About Me

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I married at 22, had my daughter right before I turned 23 and am married to a successful man who happens to get transferred a lot. We've been married 4 years and moved 5 times so far, and we're on this constantly evolving journey that I wouldn't trade for the world. I had the perfect childhood and had the ideal Betty Crocker mom. I'm trying to be the kind of mom for my daughter that I had growing up. Here are some of our adventures :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Emergency Mom Kit

It was brought to my attention last night (and confirmed by my darling husband) after watching Two Broke Girls that all of my purses are in fact totable trash bags. A modge-podge of receipts, lotions, lip gloss and assorted miscellany. There is no rhyme or reason to what's inside of my purses except they're loaded with items I think I can't live without, yet I can never find anything inside the abyss. It was time to take charge, dump the junk and organize what I need to find. I've come up with two creative ways to simplify and declutter my purses:

First, an emergency mom kit for my car. Second, a totable emergency kit that's not quite as detailed. Here's what you'll need:

Emergency car kit:

- An empty baby wipes container or a plastic ice cream bucket with a snap on lid
- Paint, scrapbook paper or scraps of fabric
- Baby wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Band-Aids
- Lotion
- Sunscreen
- Tissues
- Safety pin
- Hair elastic
- Comb
- Fruit snacks
- Pen
- Lip balm
- Altoids tin filled with crayons (believe, me sometimes they're a sanity-saver in the car!)
- Nail file
- Small nail clippers
- Gum or mints
- Deodorant (cuz sometimes you rush out the door and forget to put some on!)

I had both an ice cream container and a baby wipes container on hand. I threw both in my glove compartment to see which one would actually fit and the ice cream container won. I painted mine because I have tons of paint on hand and I'm not as crafty as some of you out there with loads of paper and fabric lying around. It's your kit, decorate it however you like.

Totable emergency kit:

I don't know about you, but I change purses as often as I change my mind. It drives me crazy when I switch purses and realize I forgot something (like hand sanitizer or baby wipes) and I'm out somewhere and need it. Sometimes I'm out and about and really can't afford to run back to my car for my other emergency kit, so I came up with the totable kit. Along with my wallet, I know I'll always have what I need on hand. Here's what I used:

- A long, rectangular makeup bag (I got mine at Dollar Tree and it matches my favorite purses)
- Baby wipes
- Hand sanitizer
- Altoids tin filled with crayons
- Tissues
- Band-Aids
- Nail file
- Nail clippers
- Pen
- Comb
- Lotion
- Gum or mints
- Hand sanitizer
- Lip balm
- Hair elastic
- Fruit snacks
- Tampon

There you go! All you need, on hand, organized and ready to go! :)

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